“Today we bring more efficiency and speed to information, we are able to generate reports and transport them to other areas. We have already carried out more than 7 implementations in 6 months, a very quick process. Now it’s time to put it on air and see all of this working with greater competence.”
The OCQ Group, with 38 years in the market, has constantly evolved to serve different customer and market profiles. As a consequence of this growth, the demand for digital transformation proved to be irremediable, as reinforced by the Director of People and Management, Ana Carla Pereira Panzone.
“We had a human resources tool that was limited to reporting and was not integrated with other systems. In addition to not having all the necessary information, we often had to update manually, which wasted a lot of time”, says the director.
Therefore, the choice of LG proved to be essential: “We are very strong in the IT area, implementing several systems, and HR could not be left out of this. So we hired solutions bringing more technology in the recruitment, selection, payroll, employee admission and other tools, so that information is increasingly connected in a single place”, according to Ana Carla Pereira Panzone.
*The data presented here relates to the reality of the OCQ Group and its relationship with LG Lugar de gente in 2023.
Simplicity in day-to-day HR undoubtedly brings more strategy and agility to companies. Thinking about building a more functional routine, the OCQ Group brought more technology to its HR along with solutions from LG lugar de gente.
"We had a challenge which was to actually hire a system that could bring a more practical, fast and effective process. With the implementation, the impact we had and still have is very large, because every day we do calculations and conferences, which brings several changes to our daily lives”, according to Camila Alves, Personal Administration Coordinator.
Pâmela Pires, from the Human Resources area, reveals how the Gen.te Atrai – Recruitment and Selection module was essential for greater control of the selection process. “As we have everything within the system, we are able to control the entire selection process. Furthermore, the candidate himself can upload his documentation, which speeds up our process and avoids, for example, many email exchanges. This scenario has helped us a lot”, highlights Pâmela.
The OCQ Group's people management has become more strategic, supported by digital transformation, with a humane and agile HR routine. “The results are great, we have a lot of autonomy in the system, so what we need to do, we achieve with sagacity and independence,” comments Camila Alves.
In addition to operational efficiency, the Personnel Administration Coordinator highlights support as a crucial factor in the process of implementing the LG lugar de gente system. “Support is fast. At the time of implementation, whether via WhatsApp, telephone or Teams, there is always someone available to help resolve any impasse when we request it through a call.”
*The data presented here relates to the reality of the OCQ Group and its relationship with LG lugar de gente in 2023.